MoRESTAURANT Certified Registration

Created by your restaurant peers

This program was created to help safely relaunch our industry after many weeks of “Curbside Only”

MoCertified is Free.

MoCertified is Non-Binding.

MoCertified is a covenant between you, your staff and your customers.

MoCertified is a set of guidelines you can use to help your staff and guests feel comfortable.

It’s simple, just fill out the form below and your business will be added to our MoCertified listings and one of our team members will come out with your decals and materials.

The Business will provide Visit Modesto

1) will provide all logos, designs or other graphics to be placed in Visit Modesto media

2) is responsible for providing accurate URL for links to VisitModesto

3) a link from the The Program Logo/Shield to the assigned page at

Visit Modesto agrees to coordinate business participation and promote The Program as follows:

  • Create a unique web page promoting the MoRestaurant Certified program
  • Create a unique web page with listings, business info and weblinks to participating businesses similar to
  • Promote the MoCertified program (which includes MoRestaurant Certified) through advertising, social media, newsletters and other media sources
  • Provide Business with
    • (2) window decals with MoRestaurant Certified shield
    • 100 guest responsibility cards for use by business
    • 100 fliers for program outline
    • 4 wall posters (approx. 11×17) for display in public areas outlining program for guests
    • PDF access to printed materials as developed for business or guest
    • A Social Media digital package for use by the business to include
      • Shield image for website and on-site specific marketing use only
      • Font outline for description
      • Digital Tools for use in promoting the program on businesses website, social media applications and in newsletters

Complete the form below to Register for MoRESTAURANT Certified

MoCertified Registration

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