The Lifespan of a Fact at Prospect Theater Project

The Lifespan of a Fact at Prospect Theater Project

The Lifespan of a Fact

by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell, and Gordon Farrell

Directed by Thomas Maden

Jim Fingal is a fresh-out-of-Harvard fact checker for a prominent but sinking New York magazine. John D’Agata is a talented writer with a transcendent essay about the suicide of a teenage boy—an essay that could save the magazine from collapse. When Jim is assigned to fact check D’Agata’s essay, the two come head-to-head in a comedic yet gripping battle over facts versus truth. This fast-paced, blisteringly witty comedy delves into the complexities of authenticity, integrity, and the often-blurred line between interpretation and reality. With sharp dialogue and thought-provoking themes, “The Lifespan of a Fact” challenges audiences to consider the role of journalists in shaping our understanding of the world. In the ultimate showdown between hard fact and emotional truth, which side will you take, July 12th –21st, at Prospect Theater Project?

Page to Stage Discussion in the Artist Lab Sunday, July, 14th

Talkback with Cast and Director in the theater Sunday, July, 21st

This play contains adult language and discussion of suicide.


Prospect Theater Project
1214 K Street

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